At Middleton, we value the cultural diversity of our school community. Our learners hail from different countries, many of whom speak another language instead of or in addition to English.
While our academic programmes are predominantly delivered in English, we offer a range of languages for students to develop proficiency in their mother tongue or learn an additional language. We also support learners whose first language is not English through our English as an Additional Language programme.

Additional Languages
We believe that being bilingual, culturally competent and internationally-minded will give our learners an advantage in today's modern, globalised world.
Drawing from EtonHouse's decades of expertise, we at Middleton believe that language is not 'taught' but naturally acquired through meaningful experiences using an inquiry-based curriculum. Learners have fun learning the language naturally while ensuring that they build and practice targeted vocabulary through conversations and the completion of planned tasks. It's not just about reading, speaking, writing and understanding the language. We also incorporate cultural elements like crafts and celebrations into the curriculum to foster an appreciation and understanding of the culture of the people who speak the language. Beyond primary, learners can continue learning the language and take it as an IGCSE and A-Level subject.
Campuses Offering Additional Languages
Based on demand from the school communities, we are currently offering the following languages at the following campuses.
Mandarin, French and Hindi are offered as additional languages at an additional fee of $1,090 per term (including 9% GST). Additional language is optional and will be conducted within school hours. Students who are not taking additional language will have supervised self-study.
English as an Additional Language (EAL) & Intensive EAL (IEAL)
The English as an Additional Language (EAL) support at Middleton helps non-native speaking learners with their English language acquisition to access the Middleton programme better.
Learners will be identified to join the EAL programme at the point of admission or by their English teacher during the first few weeks of school. They will be requested to sit for a paid assessment to determine the level of EAL support that they need.
Our EAL programme is chargeable at $2,725 (standard EAL) or $4,905 (intensive EAL) per year (including 9% GST), depending on the intensity of support that the learner requires. The programme, conducted in small groups, is designed to help our learners acquire the essential English skills needed to express themselves, communicate socially and understand the curriculum.
In terms of curriculum hours, our EAL programme consists of four sessions of 30 minutes each for early years learners and four sessions of 45 minutes each for primary and secondary learners. Our IEAL programme offers double the duration of standard EAL sessions to provide enhanced support and proficiency development.

We regularly track our learners' progress based on ongoing observations, formative and summative assessments. Once they meet the minimum standard of English required for their grade level, they will graduate from the programme and study another additional language of their choice. The duration needed to undertake the EAL programme will depend on their learning ability and pace. Some learners are in EAL for one or two terms only; others may require a year or two of instruction.
Due to the demands of the IGCSE and A-Levels, by Grade 6, all learners enrolled are expected to meet a minimum standard of English proficiency to access the Secondary and High School programme.
Middleton Intensive English Programme