Meenu D/O Ganesan
Secondary Teacher (Science & IGCSE Biology)
Meenu is a Singaporean who has a Post Graduate Diploma in Science Education from Nanyang Technological University. She majored in Plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology at the University of Madras.
Meenu has taught the whole spectrum of Singapore schools for 15 years – from government schools, government-aided to Independent schools. She brings to Middleton a vast experience of teaching students from the Express stream to the Normal Academic stream to the Normal Technical stream as well as the various examination systems like the local GCE ‘O’ level and GCE ‘N’ levels. She believes in nurturing each and every child holistically. To engage the students in her teaching, Meenu likes to include ICT based activities as well as demonstrations where possible. Experiences shape learning as does sharing of experiences, thus Meenu also incorporates mindfulness in her classes.
Meenu is experienced in the implementation and delivery of the Cambridge Lower Secondary Science and IGCSE Biology curriculum. She adopts the Growth Mindset and advocates it to her students as well. She believes that once the love and the spark for learning is ignited, the students take ownership of their learning and their progress is spontaneous and intuitive.
Meenu is a music lover. Her myriad interests include travelling, hiking, yoga and singing.