Student Support Services

The role of Learning Support is to help ensure the academic, behavioural and social well-being of students. We are dedicated to ensuring that students are provided with appropriate educational and social tools to succeed in school and beyond. We offer effective school-wide behaviour and leadership programmes, support students within the mainstream environment, provide intervention strategies to students and teachers, and monitor students’ progress and achievements.

The programmes, intervention strategies and training is developed based on students’ and classroom needs. We collaborate with class teachers, parents and external agencies in supporting, assessing and monitoring students’ progress.

Teacher and Students reading

Pastoral Counselling

Middleton International School's Pastoral Counselling Services include:

  • Providing emotional support for students to help them cope with mental stress relating to a new environment or course demands;
  • Implementing programmes to create a culture and climate of care, trust and friendliness that encourage student attendance and involvement; etc and
  • Sharing of children’s development in the Parent-School Partnership.

Other Student Support Services:

  • School facilities to enrich the students’ educational experiences
  • Extra Curricular Activities for the holistic development of students
  • Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy to ensure the wellbeing and safety of your child
  • Bus transport service (optional)
  • Close collaboration with parents/guardians to support our students
  • Assistance to international students in general to help them to adapt to the local environment or seek other support services

The list of up-to-date student support services will be communicated via parent handbook, notice boards, and Student Representatives Committee meetings.

students smiling at camera

People and Processes to Support Our Students

Our teachers are responsible for providing counselling for students when required, be it for academic, behavioural and social well-being. Middleton ensures that all teachers have adequate and relevant training to ensure they are adept at supporting our students. We conduct induction when new staff members join the school and provide regular training conducted by our in-house pedagogy team or external providers.

The school also provides several programmes to instil a culture and climate of care, trust and friendliness to encourage student involvement.

The Student Representative Council meets regularly to discuss student/school issues and work closely with the school community to promote a better learning environment.

We always strive to ensure that our students receive the highest standards of education, care and support. We continually enhance and improve our training, programmes, and services through feedback, sharing, and regular evaluation and reviews. The rigorous review process encompasses the scope, suitability, quality, effectiveness of these programmes and services. We always welcome suggestions and feedback from our parents and students through informal or formal channels such as our regular satisfaction surveys. We take all feedback seriously and make every effort to address them with our community.

Student Medical Insurance

All students are covered with the School Medical Insurance Policy for hospitalisation and related medical treatment for the entire course duration.

Singaporean/PR students are exempted if they are already covered by their own medical insurance plan.

Middleton has appointed Liberty Insurance Pte Ltd as our Medical Insurance Provider

Student Pass

International students, who do not possess a Dependent’s Pass (DP) or an Immigration Exemption Order (IEO), are required to apply for a Student’s Pass with the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority of Singapore (ICA) after receiving the acceptance letter for full-time studies at Middleton International School. Student’s Pass holders are allowed to commence class after the formalities of the student’s pass application is duly completed. LTVP holders can commence class after the Letter of Consent (LOC) or Student’s Pass is issued by the ICA. LOC’s are valid for the duration of the registered course and would have to be renewed every year. The approval of the Student’s Pass application is solely at the discretion of the ICA. Attendance Requirement Student’s Pass holders are required to attend school regularly, as stipulated by the ICA. Attendance is compulsory. Middleton is required to inform the ICA or cancel the student’s pass if:

  • The student fails to have 90% attendance rate per month without valid reason; or
  • The student fails to attend school for a continuous period of 7 days

Singapore Laws

ImmigrationsStudents must possess a valid passport and student pass during their stay in Singapore.
EmploymentStudent’s pass is strictly for educational purposes only. Students are not to engage in any form of paid employment in Singapore during the validity of the Student Pass.
ActivitiesStudents are not allowed to be engaged in any activities (political or otherwise) during the stay in Singapore.
SmokingSmoking is strictly prohibited in specific public places and indoor areas.
DrugsStudents should not be consuming or be in possession of any controlled drug as defined in the Misuse of drug Act. Conviction of drug trafficking carries the death penalty.
Alcohol AbuseOffences committed under the influence of alcohol are punishable by law.
Other Singapore LawsStudents are required to comply with all Singapore laws during the duration of stay in Singapore. Contravention of any Singapore laws will result in the cancellation of the issued student’s pass. Singapore laws can be found here.

For more information about student’s pass, click here.

Health-related Matters

Foreign born applicants aged 12 years 0 day or below, are required to submit their vaccination information to Health Promotion Board (HPB) w.e.f. 1 Feb 2019. For details, please visit the HPB website.


We welcome suggestions and feedback from parents/students for the continual evaluation, improvement and quality assurance of the school’s educational services and practice. Every effort shall be taken to address feedback and complaints, informal or formal. All parent complaints within an education environment where misunderstandings and complaints must be handled both professionally, sensitively and in confidence.

The current procedure has been formulated to handle complaints from parents who may have a broad spectrum of issues requiring urgent attention and resolution. Essentially, a complaint is an expression of significant dissatisfaction by a parent who has legitimate interest in the school, about the conduct, actions or omissions relating to areas of educational operations.

Emphasis should be placed on the informal resolution of minor complaints and the avoidance of escalation. At Middleton International School, we place particular value and emphasis on addressing the complainant’s grievance in a manner that is fair, honest and acceptable to both parties.

At Middleton International School, we place high priority on registering the complaint or grievance in a timely manner, acknowledging the receipt of the complaint to the parent, a full and fair investigation and the relaying of such findings to the Principal or School Executive.

Middleton International School will make every endeavour to acknowledge parent complaints within 2 working days and to effects a resolution to all parent complaints within a time frame of 14 working days and resolve within 21 working days.

Dispute Resolution

The dispute resolution and grievance process shall be activated if complaints could not be resolved satisfactorily within 14 working days. The dispute resolution shall align with the provision in Private Education Act. Refer to SSG Dispute Resolution for more information.

If internal efforts to resolve disputes fails and/or there is an absence of an acceptable solution, the matter shall be escalated to an external mediator and the aggrieved parent may seek redress via:
a. Small Claims Tribunals (SCT)
b. SSG Mediation-Arbitration Scheme. Refer to SSG Mediation-Arbitration Scheme for more information
c. engaging own legal counsel